Monday, September 28, 2009

HW 6 Video Project

Digital Life
Originally uploaded by SayuriSatsu

Digital Life
Originally uploaded by SayuriSatsuDigital Life...

What Did I do?
On my video I showed myself doing what I usually do when I dedicate time to using electronic devices. I play the piano while listening to my ipod at times. This is because I am learning to play songs by ear so I found it very helpful. However I am aware that I am not really enjoying the moment of playing piano because I am being distracted with some other song and trying to imitate it. I honestly enjoy it more when I read notes or simply make up my own pieces.

When I stop playing piano I usually play wii. On the video I was playing alone, but usually I always play with my friends. And although we are not really paying attention to each other but each other's characters I consider it as spending time with them...During this time I usually listen to my ipod as well.

I decorated the setting by bringing many cables, remotes, CD's, etc. to demonstrate an electronic life. These are things that are in my house and although these are not put together like shown on the video, these are things my family and I do use. The room looked very disorganized because of all this but it seemed right because when I think of myself living the way I am surrounded by all this stuff, I consider it as a big MESS. I am not proud of it, but I do not try to hide it either, therefore I chose to show it on my video. There...shamelessly.

Watching my video makes me feel somewhat bored. Because seen from this perspective I am not doing anything interesting. I am surprised that I didn't get bored myself after doing the same for about one hour. I find it somewhat fascinating how all these devices can make you think/ feel differently once we are using it. However, I am aware that what I choose to do at times, such as the one on the video, is not healthy. I am wasting life time on something that is not physically helping me. But seen from this point how is doing what I am doing any different from staying at home and reading a book, or playing cards with a friend. These are not physical experiences but these are considered as "better" than playing video games or listening to music at home. I do not think that the main issue comes from being physically active or not, but how we behave with those around us inside or outside our comfort zone. So in other words, I do know that I am physically active enough to maintain a balance in my life, therefore when I see myself in the video I do not think it is suggesting anything else than a couple of minutes of me using electronic devices.

Based on my experience I do not want my little sister to continue on using this stuff for so long. Although she is aware of the impact on her life she still chooses to spend a long time on the computer. I do not tell her not do to it, but I do "remind" her of what she is doing. My attempts have been useless all along, without mentioning that I too spend too much time on the computer giving her an example. I cannot tell her to stop because I would be contradicting myself. The same would be if I had a child. If I were to use the computer for a long period of time a day and then restrain him would be confusing to him. If I want him to understand that I do not want him to spend so much time on this cyber world then I have to be outside of it myself to tell him some of the negative consequences it may bring based on my past experiences. I do not want to raise him in an electronic environment where he will eventually consider as normal.

Furthermore, I have adapted so well to believing that I AM the person on that video rather than the one who is watching it. I do not know how to clearly explain this type of thinking, but I can tell that not being able to distinguish the line that divides the real world with a frame showing the real world is something I learnt while growing up.

Electronic devices such as the wii can lead a person to ignore the real impact these are causing to his life. Personally I think the wii is one of the best, if not the best way of entertaining yourself and others around you. Being able to move it around to cause something on the video game causes the user to physically move. Therefore it is not as bad as it seems dedicating time to a video console where you have to be active to WIN. In other words devices such as the wii, or the PS3 are ways of distracting and attracting someone to the idea of "This is FUN". By communicating this message and make many people practice it, it causes the users to not be able to identify this contrast which is obviously harming. But then what isn't?


  1. Wow, you have a lot of tech stuff in one corner of your room. From ipods, to electric piano, to the wii, etc. i dont know if thats how your room really looks like, but it shows that you spend alot of time on your gears. I also liked that you played a breif demo of your piano skills to the viewers before you got distracted to SSBB.

    You probably weren't acting out the scene you presented, but to me it shows how video games can be very distracting to people. Even if you were trying to imitate your ipod, its still considered pratice compared to playing the wii.

    The part where you wrote about wishing your sister wouldn't spend so much time on the computer, or how if you had a child, you wish they won't spend so much time is similar to the answers my partner and i got from interviewing adults, how if htey had kids or if they do, what the maximum time they'd allow. They all agreed that electronics are taking people lives away.

    The only thing that i have problems with is the video and how you didn't show any expressions because the video is focusing on what you are using, not how you are reacting.

    What i found interesting is how you muti-task, and usually that requires movement of some sort, but the way you listen to your ipod, to playing the piano for 30 seconds and then suddenly switch to the wii, it all seems too convenient.

    Thanks for the piano song, it sounds pretty nice, and your thoughts.

  2. Dinorah :),

    I like your video although you do not look like you are 'having fun' at all. However, the message behind the video is relevant and obvious to most of the 'outcasts'. Additionally, your feelings towards your video have make the post even easier and better for the readers like me.

    If I am not wrong, the few arguments that you have stated in your post are that 1) digital devices are one of the big distraction 2) the issue is not really caused by people do not have as much physical experience as the times before the boom of digitalization, but the way we behave or act towards the others 3) keeping a balance of using these devices in daily life is definitely acceptable. In another word, digital devices are not as bad as we seem they are, but we should be aware of the way we act towards these things such as keeping a constant habit.

    I like the way you said you will "remind" your sister that what she is doing, instead of just telling her not to do so. Of course, telling someone not to do but ourselves doing it will certainly create confusion for the others. I think this point is very resonant to most of the people, because we do make mistakes even though we know that is wrong. So I am very agree with your point that it is the the digitals' fault, but our behavior towards the others and our surroundings.

    Overall, your post is well written. To improve, I think you can deepen the point that you mentioned in the second to the last paragraph about "distinguishing the line between cyber world and reality. Perhaps, discuss how should people draw the line to keep the balance or the line did not even existed. Furthermore, lead your arguments to another perspective - alternatives. (e.x.: is it possible to keep a balance in using these additive devices?...etc.)

    After reading your post, it helps me to reconsider my own life. I often tempt to think that using these digital devices will only create addiction. But I never really focus on the differences of my attitude and behavior after interacting with these things. To me, I think it did change me in some ways like my daily habits. Sometimes I even ignored people because of paying way too much attention on the screen. This is a great point that makes me to think of my behaviors once again.

    Once again, thanks for writing a great post that shows you actually thought about this topic. At the same time, that triggers my realization.

    I apologize that I did not post these comments earlier. (I have them in my blog draft, but forget to post them in your blog as comments)

    Bao Lin
