Friday, October 2, 2009

HW 8 - Comment on Triangle Partners' Videos Projects

To Bao Lin:

Nice video! I can tell you spent time editing, it is well done. I liked how you recorded yourself doing what you usually do while interacting with electronic devices. Your fast forward modification really made me laugh.

I understand that all this technology is part of your life and it is "normal" for you to be surrounded by it even if you are not dedicating time to it. For example as you described how your family enjoys having the TV on while doing something else just because of the noise. Being aware. Despite all this you do not consider your life as wrong. Actually it is the usual thing to do in most families. Having dinner in front of the T.V. or playing music while doing something else are some of the things that most of us do. It is important for us to realize what we are doing so we can make a difference in our lives. No one else can really make us learn something from our actions unless we experience the negative consequences these may bring.

This reminds me of my own experience. Like you I just recently moved and while I was working around the house we had music playing instead of talking to one another. Also because we just moved we didn't have Internet or cable so we were "forced" to socialize during dinner. It was nice for a while, but then it was boring because we kept thinking of what were missing, our TV shows. Because our experiences are a bit similar I can relate to your thoughts on digitization.

In order to expand your thoughts on this topic, I recommend you to write about how your family and you react might when there are no electronic devices around. What do you think you will do or how will you feel because of this. Then analyze your answers to learn more about this stuff impact your life. Because most of us realize the importance of something only when it is missing.
I think it would be a good idea to think about this to reconsider the amount of time you invest to these devices.

After watching your video and reading your analysis it made me think of myself while watching T.V. with my family. As previously mentioned I usually watch T.V. with them during dinner and dinner is the only moment a day we spend time together. By watching T.V I am not really BEING with my family but just sitting on the same room looking at the same direction. I do not know what they are thinking or what they are feeling all I know is what they are watching and that is not enough for me. I didn't realize how electronic media could really severely hurt a relationship between two people or more. We become distant from one another and pretend it is okay because everyone else is doing it as well. It is difficult to understand why we choose to live in such way specially around the people we love. Because just considering the possibility that our love for this stuff is more than the one we hold for our family worries me.

Thank you Bao Lin for your video and your thoughts! You have given me A LOT to think about and to talk to my family.


To Richard:

Good work! I liked how honest (realistic) your video was. Although you were doing the same thing for one minute and thirty seconds I imagined you must had a lot going on inside your mind. Because I also spend a long time doing the same thing I can understand that as boring it may seen to others who are watching us, in our perspective we are being entertained.

You consider the Internet as a reason to stay at home for all the interesting things it has to offer; when in reality it is just an excuse for something else. I ignore the reason why you personally choose to dedicate your time to this stuff but I am certain I can relate to that reason.
I understand that thinking about the difference between being the real world and the world digitization offers is quite tricky.

This reminds me of something I have thought about before. Once we realize that we have been watching others having fun or living adventures while we are just sitting and gaining weight we become rather depressed. We have been wasting our time and considering our current lives as boring because we keep comparing our life styles to unrealistic ways of life. This activity helped us see how we looked while we were being drawn by all the aspects of the Internet or T.V. And by seeing ourselves in such way we come to realize something more important.

To develop your thinking on this topic I suggest you to add more analysis to your work. At the end of every paragraph you could add more thoughts about what you wrote. Answering questions of why you think this way? or what has brought you to do certain things regarding electronic media? This will help you expand your knowledge and even come up with ideas that might make you reconsider your current way of life if you are not Okay with it. Isn't this the main point of this unit anyway?

After looking at your video it reminded me of how I tend to forget about my physical state and just focus on something that is unreachable, but at the same time It could not be closer. What I mean is that I tend to get so fascinated by all the things I encounter on the Internet or the T.V. that I forget who I am or what am I doing. Then I am not interacting with these stuff I compare my life with all those unrealistic life styles and become bored. I think that most people learn to fantasize too much while living because of the T.V. and the Internet, and this causes them to being unable to distinguish what is real and what is not. I think this could relate to our dreams. Based on my experience there are times that a person can control his or her dreams during sleep. But this only happens when that person identifies the dream as a dream rather than what things are supposed to be. In other words as normal. I have never been able to control my dreams before. During my dreams I consider earthquakes or erupting volcanoes in NY city as normal therefore I just panic and try to survive when it is not even supposed to be happening. Therefore I have been writing a journal of my dreams for the last 2 weeks and recently I was finally able to control one of my dreams. It was a great experience. My point is that the only way to control our lives is by identifying what is real and what is not. This media has been just communicating unrealistic ideas to us and we identify them as possible. And the wii is one of the closest opportunities we have to experience this idea.

Thank you for your work. You helped me develop new thoughts regarding my way of life around this stuff. I still have so much to learn about it but I think that I might be able to come up with something that will make change my schedule for good.

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