Friday, October 2, 2009

HW 9 - Video Project GHIJK

Bao Lin:
Thank you so much for your comment. Because of it I know that you dedicated your time to read my post. The length of your comment and your analysis made me think that you really understood my point and were able to relate your own ecperiences with mine.

The way you restated my arguments showed me that you really understood my point. Although I do find one of them inaccurate. Maybe I was not very clear on explaining this part of my argument, or I misundertood your summary of it. I am aware that this is all debatable, but I do not think that the main issue regarding digitalization comes from people not having as much physical experience after the "boom of digitalization" but from not being able to distinguish the pros and cons of investing so much time to these devices. Thefore not making a difference in their lives. I do think that having a sense of balance is acceptable, but the question is. Is it acceptable to us or to the rest? If it is to us then why most of us are not having this balance in our lives? We have become addicted to it therefore we simply do not know how to make a balance between these two.

Mentioning that I should deepen my point on distingushing the line between the cyber world and the real world was very helpful. Personally I still have some problems with this specific argument. I stated it because I know it is important to consider that there is an actual line between these two and it is almost inrecognizable. However it is true that that line was invented by us, so in reality it does not exist. We believe it does because we often find differences that suggest this line, but becoming aware that thinking this way only draws the line is rather complicated. Therefore we cannot create a sense of balance in our lives because we just do not know how much of our lives is in which side of the line.

I think overall we share a similar point of view. I can relate to what you say of considering these devices as normal. Also how you and your family intereact with this stuff is very similar to mine. I think that this has partly brought us to think the way we do. However our perspectives may be completely different on some of this aspects now. Because I have drastically changed my point of view on this media, or actually just came back to think the way I used to before studying it.
And when I say studying it I mean actually spending time to think and write about it.

Because of the way we are growing up and the things we are learning at school and at home. Have you ever really thought about how will your life look like 10 years from now regarding electronic media? I think that we are both interested in how will the future will looks like. Specially how will we deal with the members of our family who will at some point inevitably interact with these stuff. I think that regardless if we obtain an answer to all these questions and make a plan for our future I do not think we can go against more powerful ideals that society will bring upon us or ours. Therefore it may not really matter how against it we may be because wether we want it or not the mayority will continue on using all this stuff and eventually influence future generations.


Thanks for your comment. I found it very clear and helpful. I appreciate your time on reading my post and watching my video. I liked how you noticed aspects that were on the "surface" of things, such as the setting of the room or the piano song. I attempted to communicate a message through these, so I am glad you got something out of it.

Your comment about my video was something I did not even consider before. I am aware that it was very dark and I apologize for that. Because of this I was not able to show my facial expressions very well. I was indeed more focused on what I was using rather than how I was using it. I think that I am very familiar with use of these devices therefore there is no need for me to think about how I am going to react. In order to realize something important I think it is necessary for me to observe how I am interacting with this stuff. If it is so "normal" for me then I can focus more on thinking why am I so comfortable surrounded by all this technology.

I am currently aware of the idea that "electronics are taking people lives away" but is this really the case. I have become to think this way because of studying this unit specifically. However, now that I have thought about this statement I have remembered how I used to think before. And now I have come to the conclusion that no, I do not think that this stuff are taking our lives away.
Literally speaking we are alive. We are living our lives 24/7 every month and every year. People just happen to have different concepts of "living", therefore they have come up with this idea. I used to play online games before and many people inside the video game said to other people "you have no life!" when that person was just good at the game. And I used to always think "we all have a life we just chooses the way he wants to live it" and I said it more than once to different people. I have forgotten of what I used to think because I was so consumed by all this "blaming the electronic media" thing I am currently studying. We are no victims and we are not wasting our time. That we could spend our time doing something else like EXCERSISING or READING a book to improve ourselves, to fit in, to make money, or to be healthy but as we studied it last year. We do not even know what health really is.
I just think that if you have some feeling of happiness, as sad as it may actually be just go ahead and do it. I persoanally think there is nothing wrong or nothing right about it.

You and I have mentioned the interesting world the Internet offers in our post. I find it one of the most interesting things about this unit overall. The internet has drawn us to become in a way and we feel comfortable about it. Although we may not like what we are doing or find it depressing at times we do not stop using this stuff. I ignore the reason why this may be, but I assume that it is enough to make us not change our life styles. We share a similar point of view on this specific idea so I hope we can develop our thoughts on it.

Based on this, do you think there is a line between this electronic world and reality? If you think there is why do you think we have drawn such line and what is its effect on our daily lives? I currently would like to learn more about this idea. So I would like you know what you have to say about it. I personally think that there is a line but we cannot distinguish it because we have no sense of balance and most of us consider all this media as our lives rather than part of it.

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