Tuesday, December 8, 2009

HW 28 - Informal Research - Internet, Magazines, and TV Shows

Cultural sources of insight into Cool:

Kids' Health- Being cool

This article addresses methods to follow in order to be cool in our society. For example, "How to look, or how to talk, or how to act" are some of the main topics discussed in this article. Although this article attempts to answer the main question of "What is cool" it avoids it by stating that one of the main kids' concern is being cool. Therefore these methods only target kids. However, It is easy to assume that these could actually apply to everyone and this is because knowing how to be cool since the very beginning "As kids" then it easy to move on from there, or as many would do begin basing his/her life as if their childhood was in such way.

The article encourages to "Talk about movies, TV shows, books, sport... You can soon find out what is popular with the other kids by listening to them, and then join in." which we are familiar with as cool for know whats "in". However these are just some of the ways to be cool, in this article a whole set of list with what to do and what not to do to be cool is provided. I would say this is the most interesting because it tells the reader that in order to fit in he/she would have to follow these different methods to be accepted. In other words change who that person is to become someone else. This list can be seen on the site above.

In this article Dr. Kate states that "fitting in with the group and having friends are very important for anyone. Sometimes movies give the idea that being cool is about looking trendy, pretending to be really laid back and being unkind to 'uncool' kids.
This is just movie stuff. In the real world, most kids want to feel good about themselves, have friends, be interested in the world around them, have fun and look after each other.
Now that's cool!"
In other words the idea of cool that is shown in movies is actually not true, but the ability to have fun with others around you and and care after one another, is more likely to be what is cool in reality. I do agree that such characteristics would make someone cool, however, the representation of what is cool shown in movies is also very accurate to the society's general definition on what's cool. As seen in class and the interviews, people often said that someone cool, was someone relaxed or really "laid back". This being their first answer, how could we not consider this as realistic?

Although this article covers mostly all the general ideas of what is cool and what i not as a child, I find it somewhat ironic. This is because it is clear that the author of this article is not a kid sharing his/her thoughts on what is cool, but an older woman who in fact described herself as "definitely not cool", writing his son's friends' opinions on what is cool. I think it was interesting how she based all this method's on children's opinions, and molded them to her own. I am confident to state that the idea of what is cool that the children currently have comes corporate culture. People as adults also continue to learn from it and communicate its importance to their children, therefore it is not quite accurate to say that this is the children perspective on what is cool but a reflection of their parent's and teacher's ideas.

This simply shows once again that there is no complete and accurate definition of cool, therefore articles such as these will always be debated or disagreed upon.

What's Cool and What's Not- Red Eye

A survey on "Cool/Not Cool" of approximately 600 Americans of the ages 18 to 34. Similarly to my own interviews the results to what is cool is: dress fashionably, be social, and be confident. As for what is considered "uncool" is pretty much the opposite of this characteristics. Such as, "Living under a rock" or living isolated from other people and what's "in". However, this article shows some of the answers that were not standard but actually insightful. Some of these were:

"It's probably more about what is popular, but in order to tie it into the brand we called it the "cool/uncool" survey," Occhipinti said.

"Basically, if you ask everyone their favorite ice cream, you will end up with vanilla being the most popular every time," said Gutsche, whose new book, "Exploiting Chaos," launches in September. "But that doesn't mean vanilla is cool."

"It's direct, it's to the point," Kritzer said. "No one's ignoring a text message."

Because it is a survey all different ideas of what is cool and what is not and even the significance of this word are shown. Also it is clear that some people are aware that "It also depends on how you define "cool." Take the exercise of declaring the coolest "Entourage" character (assuming, for the sake of argument, that "Entourage" is cool)".

This article also connects to famous T.V. shows such as True Blood to demonstrate what people think is cool and what is not. However, it is stated that regardless of how these characters may be portrayed whether they are cool or not depends on the audience's opinion. What I find most interesting however is the following sentence: "Sometimes, the best way to know what's cool is to know what's not. RedEye asked those in the know to weigh in on what's in, what's out, and what's, well, whatever. (In the case of "True Blood," we relied on our own expertise.)" This is because most people assume that knowing the negativity of any aspect is knowing everything about it. In other words once you learn the bad things you know assume that what is left is good. But this is not entirely true, specially when in reality there is no right and wrong. Being so there is no actual cool or uncool in reality.

Whats up for Today- New York Cool

Although this article does not clearly discuss what is cool it shows what is currently "in". It specifically addresses New York in December. Different movies, shows, celebrity's news, are mentioned here suggesting that in order to be up to date with society (In other words cool), one must know about these.

The prices of the tickets to watch these movies and shows are also provided in this site. Along with a small description and opinion on the movie. For example, Read Frank J. Avella's Film Column with his list of the thirteen best films of 2009 and the best films of the decade. Therefore, it must be watched.

This reminds me of the time we were discussing about the unreachable in class. Movie stars are often recognized as unreachable people similarly to a real star. And according to this site what is cool are the movies and shows that are currently being played. Movies portray the life of a character and that character is played by a movie star, which suggest that the life of that character and the character itself are cool, simple because the movie is categorized as such. After watching this movie people being adopting and developing new perspectives on whats cool and what isn't and communicate it to the world. Perhaps without movies people would be more honest about themselves and their lives.

This article, as previously mentioned, often mentions the ticket price of the movie or play. Which tells me in a way that it is indeed possible to sell and purchase "cool". I am starting to think that this term is mainly conserved with the purpose of merchandise as opposed to a way of describing ourselves and our lives. Perhaps when we adopt some one's image because is cool, we are advertising a company's merchandise. And this is because in my opinion there is no such thing as being unique in this society. Ideas come from other ideas which are based on different ideas. Nothing is original to begin with to claim that one's style is unique.

The Uncool Hunters- In search for the Anti global no-trends

I have never encounter a site where the general idea of Uncool was so well shown before. I consider myself to be open minded when it comes down to the terms of cool and uncool. However, I could not help thinking "How lame..." some of these things were while i was going through it. The site does now state how uncool something is, It simply provides information about each picture and video shown. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the site only targets what is uncool, but it seems to me that their choices were somewhat global as opposed to their own, and this is because despite being an American site most of the pictures are international, specially from South America, and Mexico.

Some of these pictures were:

This is not an accurate drawing of Zonic, therefore it considered uncool. In other words, bad copies are not wanted.

I found this somewhat disturbing, and I do recognize it as uncool because of it. However, I can assume that someone did find it cool, and I can tell it is the one who made these. This suggests that what is recognized as uncool is decided by the majority.

*Since when is a bathroom with doors cool? Because evidently one without is uncool. This supports my thoughts on not everything uncool of one aspect make the rest of it cool. A bathroom with doors cannot be seen as cool just as "normal". Perhaps it is the unusual what makes us consider something as cool or uncool even, such as these photographs.

"Teleton is a unity Mexican Project that promotes the integration of the disabled and Jimmy “the spoiled of Mexico” was discovered. A sports commentator who works for Televisa was the person who made Jimmy’s dream come true and that is why this lad could sing in TV together with his idol Pedro Fernández. They sang the mega hit “Yo no fui”.
The effect was accurate. Our dreamer stole the heart of the viewers. After that, proposals and invitations came like rain and therefore a pink house was donated to him because he had always wanted one for his family.

It’s been a meteoric promotion that includes movies (he plays the role of an Aztec God in the film
Mictlan”) and he has also signed contracts with record companies.
When he is invited to different TV Shows he promotes his second album singing the hit “My carcachita
So that’s why Jimmy, who is just 18 years old, becomes the example of “nothing can stop us” when all you have is willpower. Nothing."

This is an example of the information and author's comments on some of the pictures in this site. Many videos of this child singing are shown in the site. One of them is a music video and another one is a "thanks" video from the child. I think that this child is consider uncool for the simple fact that he is part of this site. The description seems to be a mockery to this child's life. Just to be clear I am not saying that his life itself is a mockery, but there is no need for the sarcasm. He is indeed handicapped, and because of it he became famous. I do not think Mexico consider es him uncool, they simply feel sorry for him. Me however, coming from the same culture, I do not feel sorry for him, and I do think he was made uncool. Perhaps it is because my definition of what cool has shifted, but regardless I do not think that people with disabilities should be used as entertainment with the purpose of making a profit. But then again that happens with non-disabled people as well.

In conclusion I do not think is fair to judge what is cool and what is not. People have many different ideas even though these came from other people, and if they want to express these in a way that they think unique, then it should not be criticized. Because of this criticism and our fear of it, our current art is not as well as it used to be 100 years ago and before that. We hide under the idea that everything has been made and taught so there is no need to bring something else to the table, but a copy or an update. Ultimately I think that we are all cool and uncool at the same time so there is no need to try being one or avoid being the other.

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