Monday, December 7, 2009

HW 27 - Informal Research - Interviews and Surveys

Family member Response:


What does it mean to be "cool"?
I think that nobody should be cool. Is like they say "the beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Coolness depends on how people see it. There is no one complete definition of what is cool. Of course I do think that some people are cool but that's because they like the same things I do or because i like what they are wearing or doing.

How important do you think this is?
There should be a balance between people. like not everybody can be the same. There should be a balance when some people are more interested than others but that doesn't make the other people uncool. Like the popular people and the shy people, that doesn't mean the shy ones are uncool, they are just quiet and don't show how cool they are.

Any additional comments/ideas?
Maybe everyone has tried to fit in with other people that they like or try to be with but that doesn't mean they have to try to be "cool".



What does it mean to be "cool"?
To be cool is a way of being, is not something that you cannot pretend because if you do is unauthentic and people realize that. I think being cool is also just a label from society. And also i used as a tool to create pressure.

How important do you think this is?
I don't consider it significant because i think it depends more on what is important for you. I mean is as important as being friendly, kind, etc. So in reality is not important.

Any additional comments/ideas?

Is like I said at the beginning, people cannot pretend to be something they are not because is not going to work. It depends on a person's point of view.


After interviewing the memebers of my family I realized that we share a similar point of view on what is cool. It is something I didnt know before because we never talked about this, which is interesting because somehow we all believe in a very simlar thing. I assume that we obtained this definition from the same outside source which makes us think similary, however I cannot exactly say where we learnt this from or how we developed these thoughts in the past.


Friends' Responses:


What does it mean to be cool?
To have many friends that accept you for who you are and to be able to fit inside society's mold.

What is the significance of being cool?
The only reason that people want to be cool is to have friends and gain respect.

Do you have any additional ideas/comments about this matter?
I don't think people worry about being cool anymore. It is more like an old topic. I think it is more like being yourself lately. People have been forming clicks instead of being cool, just being around the people that are similar to them.



What does it mean to be cool?
Uhm...Well, colored hair, piercings, tattoos, not being a bomb and actually working for a living, and having people that appreciate you. I mean just enjoying life and not let little things bother you.

What is the significance of being cool?
I think its important because in my eyes that's the way to be happy in life. Like if other people see what you are then maybe they will try to achieve the same happiness you have.

Do you have any additional ideas/comments about this?
Oh people who are not cool are people who are trying too hard to be cool. You have to be cool naturally to be cool. Like being cool is different to every person, so I don't know really how being cool affects other people.


After asking my friends their opinion on what in cool and its significance I became to realize how different our perspectives are. I learnt that before they have never actually thought about this so they thought they didn't have a very satisfactory response.
When I asked my friend Mercedes I could somewhat relate to her response because she had a much more broad perspective on this term as opposed to my friend Dahina. Dahina considers appearance as a much more important aspect of being cool than having other people. And I know this because her first answer addressed "looks" not a social life. I assume that most people in New York, specially those in a lower class think similarly.


Stranger's response:


What does it mean to be "cool"?

hmm...Be yourself.

Ah you can do better than that!

I don't think it can be defined since every person has their own idea of cool
but i guess cool to me would mean being yourself, not caring about what others think negatively about you, you're relaxed and you talk and do things in a calm way, and i guess if people like you or hang around with you then you're cool. And you have a personality

What is the significance of being "cool"?

I think that it makes people conform.

Do you think this should be changed?

hmm..Wow. I don't know really.
Maybe it won't be good to change it. I mean it might confuse people cause they won't know whats good.

Do you have any additional comments or ideas?
Not really, sorry I wasn't much help.

Thank you!

-Victor (age: around 17)


What does it mean to be "cool"?
uhm... Cold like person. Oh and I'd say relaxed and a person in style. For example like drugs make you relax therefore they are cool.

So do you think there is a general idea of what is cool or do you think everyone has its own?
No, everyone has its own.

So then what do you think about people labeling others cool and uncool when there are different definitions of it?
Uhm.. labeling and judging is what people do. To classify things into groups.

How important do you think it is having the word "cool" in our lives?
Once you hit adult the word loses it meaning.

Do you think that applies to everyone?
No, because some people don't grow up.

Do you have any additional comments or ideas?

Thank you so much!

-Igor (Age around 19)

After comparing the strangers' responses to the previous ones i obtained I came to the conclusion that indeed perhaps every person has a different definition of the word "cool" therefore no one should actually entitle others or one self as cool based on only one definition because it will not be seen the same by everyone. I think that it is somewhat necessary to categorize people into groups however. This is because society needs a sense of structure to feel that things are working the way they are supposed to. Therefore labeling people on appearance or behavior is what determines that person's place in that community. Which is not necessarily true, simply the way people might see that one individual and of course, themselves.

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