Sunday, November 29, 2009

HW 26 - Photos & Questions

Interview 1

(Note: This Interview was translated to English therefore this is not exactly what the interviewee said but it is the same idea.)

Saori M.

1. Who/What do you think is cool?

S: Someone who doesn't go back on his or her word.

2. Why do you think people is more likely to have a different answer for the previous question?

S: Because everyone has different minds and personalities that make us see things differently. Also because of the different culture and costumes we live under our opinion of cool is different.

3. I see. What does your culture "teach" is cool?

S: First, people who keep their word are consider cool. Then, also someone who is hard worker. And someone who doesn't get upset easily; i mean someone who always handles any situation well.

4. How about appearance and social status?

S: Yes, someone who takes care of himself and his appearance (Clean clothes, keeps in shape, etc.) is also considered cool. And social status...Of course we admire wealthy people but we never say that they are cool or that we want to become like them because in my culture desiring money is not elegant. For example, we don't do tips. We appreciate with our mind and heart someones effort or work. Paying money for it would be considered rude.

5. I am surprised by how different this culture is to the American one. Do you know that in here what we consider cool generally consists of common stereotypes such as being popular, good looking, or athletic. As if we were the flat characters of a story and each one of us with a different label and role. What do you think about this?

S: To be honest, because it is America I think is good. The culture is very different and I accept it the way it is.

6. I see. Well I think you are a cool person. What do you have to say about that?

S: *She laughs* Why is that? I don't think I am cool.

7. I too have my "own definition" of what is cool. Personally, If I were to consider someone as cool it would be because I recognize his or her talent or ability on anything they do. And also those who do what they said they would do are cool to me. I become to admire that person and think is cool. And as for you, I think that you have the ability of making anyone feel at home, even if it is a stranger.
Knowing this, what do you think now?

S: *Laughs* Ah...because of our education we don't really know how to express our feelings, but thank you. I can say that I see myself as very simple minded and stubborn. Now, I wouldn't lie to myself or others and if I don't want something it will not happen!

8. Did you ever "try" to be cool in your school/work?

S: Yes

9: What did you do to achieve it?

S: I worked very hard, wore make up everyday, I was very friendly and very fashionable.

10. And how did it turn out?

S: After doing all that to become cool I didn't succeed in the end. But eventually that way of life just became natural to me, so it is something I did often afterwards.

11. Why do you think you failed?

S: Ah that's easy! Because I was not being true to myself. I was bringing myself to agree with the majority when I actually didn't. It was very tiring.

12. So, if you could re-do that part of your life what would you have done instead?

S: I would have followed my own thoughts and dreams without being affected by every one's opinions. I was weak-willed and I didn't walk on a straight line towards my goal I just zigzagged.

13. Do you think that would have been cool?

S: Yes! Because it would be my own iron-will.

14. But you didn't do it. Even when it was cool to you.

S: We are human beings and we really don't have a choice. There is no actual time machine, so the past just taught me a lesson.

15. Yes, as I said I think you are cool, and not because of your appearance or social status but because of who you are. I learnt so much from your answers. I don't want to lie to myself and I hope I have enough will to not do so and to just follow my own words. Cool or not.

S: one thing last thing, just make sure to follow a right path.

16. Thank you very much for this interview. Smile!


Interview 2

(Note: this interview is pretty accurate)

Bao Lin Z.

1. What or who do you think is cool?

B: Many many..that i can't list them all..but the ones who "looks" nice, fearless, not whinning abt the problem..but instead. solve it..mature. smart, creative, talented.

2.So there being many things you consider as cool in general, would you say that most people, if not everyone, is actually cool?

B: Yea...if i get to know them more...not necessary good at certain things like skills..but just personalities..can make a very cool person.

3.Do you consider yourself as a cool person?

B: Sometimes..but not always..b/c im often times..i dun c myself as a cool person to the circle tat I wanted to be. Also, i will never want to compare to the ones whose "lower" than just make myself feel cool..there is certain "standards" tat i look up to and tats y i don't c myself as a cool person.

4. May I ask what does your culture generally 'teach' is cool?

B:I guess at first..they did teach me wut is cool..but then i develop it more myself
as I grow up?

5. What did they teach you?

B: Someone succesful, wealthy, smart, better than others, etc.

6.So would you say is similar the American culture?

B:Sort of..not fully..but is like the american dream thing.

7. Okay. Do you think we should all be open minded about this term?

B: Yea..but can't held it..u cant really ask some teenagers to say an old person with insights is cooler than the newest phone. If people were open minded the world would be a lot better.

8. I agree with you. Have you ever tried to become cool?

B: I was for a while but I quit.

9.Why did you quit?

B:I quit..because i think im tryin too hard to be someone that I am not..of course..everything want nice clothes and etc.. but i invest way too much money on that..and not even my own money..i understand tat once i got this one..the next day..i want the other one..the trend is going too fast..and is just eating my money not worth it. I mean..if someday i will have earn my own a point that i don't have to doubt whether i should buy this or the other..i might be in again. I think that will be way cooler is like showing off my own strength..wut i can do..not wut my parents can do. Also spending so much money from my like begging them..and owing them more.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh..i have more to add. Im also making more garbage by doing that...once i have new ones..i immediately abandon the old ones.

10.So you are saying that you quit trying to be cool, however, you said that sometimes you already consider yourself as cool. So are you implying that you are naturally cool? Also based on your previous answer, I think you consider wealth as one of the most, if not the most important steps, towards coolness.What do you have to say about that?

B: I dun't think im naturally cool...i must have done sth to make myself to be certain ways..but is definitely someone tat i wanted to be..not someone who tries to be something tat i am i said before..i do think i am cool sometimes..but there are different levels and definitions of coolness tat im impplying..i quit the type of coolness regarding on fashion...but in terms of other still cool on that. Also to me..there are differetn levels of cool. you can be dis cool..then there is a higher level of cool...wealth is also one way to be cool but im not up to that yet.

11. So in other words is there really something such as cool?

B:I think cool is a very general and vague term. is like flower but there are many types of flower.

12. That's a nice way of putting it. Do you think this term was just made up to describe something attractive rather than a way to live? Why do you think we take this term at such extent?

B: I hear ppl say it everyday, but most of the never seem to be cool to me
b/c this term never hurts anybody and ppl can take it many ways u simply say "oh tats cool" doesn't hurt always nice and vague compliment we all learned tat cool is not something bad.

13. So it's like a meaningless word now, at least to you?

B: Not really,sometimes it makes me happy hearing tat.

14.Oh great because I personally think you are cool Bobo. And even if you consider yourself as uncool sometimes just remember that someone else thinks you are cool all the time so it doesn't really matter.

So, Thank you for this interview ! Hope you had some things to ponder now.

B: heee..ask wut i hate just for today.

15. Oh by the way can you send me a picture so I can post it?

B: Sure

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