Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 21 - Art Project 1

For this assignment I have done a collage composed of mostly digital devices. I have designed this collage in a certain way to represent a much deeper idea regarding the effect of digital devices on society. My work of art is shown in the following pictures:

"Digital Devices..."

I have based this image on showing a television. This is because in our lives we do not experience anything directly anymore. We see life through a screen, and we identify ourselves and other people as being inside this mental screen which is also composed by so many other different devices that build our lives. The viewer has to pay close attention to the details of these image because these are the ones that communicate a message. As an artist I want to tell my perspective through my work, so others can understand it and even relate to it. Every cut piece and every minute I dedicated to this collage were mostly for me. I wanted to draw the world I was living in, even if I did not understand it or accepted it. This poster is currently hanged on my wall to remind where my mind is and by what it is surrounded.

My work is somewhat difficult to understand therefore I have broken it up into 10 different components. The following image represents the location of each of these components. These communicate my interpretation on digital devices and the effect these have on us.

1. This shows the body ob a child. The upper part of his body is found at the very top of the collage and the the bottom part is found at the very bottom of the collage. This is because I did not only want to represent how the mind was completely surrounded by all these devices but our bodies as well. I intended to represent the T.V. as part of the boy's body. his identity is formed by all these devices and therefore ever where he goes he will carry these with him. It is a comfortable burden that we recognize as normal therefore we do not try to get rid of it, even if it gets incredibly heavy.

2. This is found at the very top of the collage. My purpose of putting so many televisions showing the same image together was to represent repetition. When one reads a book he begins reading from the top to the bottom of the page. Even if it is from left to right or right to left it follows the same format. While reading my work, it began with repetition, the same repetition we face on a day to day bases while interacting with devices. The same song, the same commercial, the same picture, the same words, etc. day by day and we do not get bored of it, we are actually entertained. Therefore, while looking at my work the viewer must as well feel entertained by such messy and overwhelming repetition. As for the rest of the collage this repetition is shattered throughout the entire image. There are several iPods, lap tops, cell phones, etc. That even though these are recognized as complete different devices they have the same function.

3. This shows an image of a Zebra inside a televeison. This is one of the 10 main components in my collage because it represents our connection with nature and other animals, which is also through a screen. I can state without doing any research that more than 75% of the population in America does not travel to places such as Africa to see other animals in their natural behavior and habitat. We only see these though the famous Animal planet on television and remain satisfied. Which tells me that only seeing is enough for us, and there is no need nor interest to actually experience it.

4. I have put several watches throughout the entire collage with the purpose of representing time. Most of these watches are located at the bottom where most of the images of people are located, including the babies. As we know digital devices take too much of our time and sometimes we do not even notice. It is normal for us to dedicate 2 hours to the computer every day. Or to spend 30 minutes talking in the phone. These hours are not felt, only wasted. And these hours are part of our lives and mainly our youth, but we do not feel them. Our minds are too busy and our bodies too stiff and we consider it as being normal. Out of all the different negative impacts digital devices have on us, I think its effect on our time is the most crucial one.

5. In this collage I also wanted to represent how people's relationships are affected because of the use of digital devices. I have shows this through a broken photograph of a couple and in between a computer. I have seen before not only in real life but in movies how a many of a couple's problems come from devices. For example, a phone call of another man or woman during a romantic dinner. This is does not only affect the trust these two people have on each other but it is also disrespectful. Families are also affected by these devices. Most families time together is watching T.V. which is not actually interacting with one another just sharing the same room. Also children spend too much time on the computer or playing video games that they become more and more distant from their families and friends. Also, I do not think that at this point we are not able to hold a relationship with other people without electronic devices. And this is because we are expected to keep on communication through these. We are too dependent of these devices and in my point of view these are generally valued even more than any real relationship with someone else.

6. This represents our minds. Among all this overwhelming mess of digital devices our consciousness remains. Although we usually consider these devices as the source, in my work the mind is actually portrayed as the source of all these devices which are surrounding it. Inside of it the word "Digital devices..." is written as if it were the only thing inside our minds. This illustration also has a helmet looking device suggesting that even though the mind is the main source of all these devices it is "plugged in" to this cyber world making it unable to escape from this mess. In other words the devices and our minds are a never ending vicious cycle and without one another it cannot sustain itself.

7. This part of my collage shows the audience. I have illustrated a big television across, but it would be nothing without an audience. Even though this is also the television inside our minds, the one no one else sees but us, it also shows how we are inside someone Else's mental T.V.. This would not only make us characters in the life drama of someone else but also the audience. Looking at the collage the people are too small compared to the television they are watching. And this is because I also wanted to show that this digital world is way bigger than any of us. Even if it lives inside us, it is too big for us to control it. Beneath this audience there is an image of two babies. Which represents the following part of this collage.

8. The picture of the babies is surrounded by watches. Suggesting the present and the future that these babies are expected to have. Live surrounded by many different digital devices and depend on them. These babies are also inside a television and are shown in black and white. Usually we interpret the black and white as being old, however, a baby represents new life but that new life has no place in this electronic world, which makes me think that in order to become part of one must be modernized by all these devices and apply them to his daily life.

9. This show the images through cameras. Most of the time while looking at cameras in a magazine to find the right one, we see the quality of the picture the camera takes through the screen. Ironically enough only pictures of people smiling and pictures of natural scenarios are displayed. I think this unconsciously causes us to believe that the camera only captures those perfect moments and places. Therefore, most of us (non-photographers) only take pictures when we are having fun or when we are somewhere considered as peaceful and without much contamination. This also shows the good life through a screen and if we purchase that camera we will also be able to capture it, not to live it.

10. Best Buy! This store is very available throughout New York city. The praises are great and the service is generally good. This store is famous for selling what entretains us the most. Or rather say it sells what makes our lives function. Because of this store we are able to obtain many digital devices at great prices therefore it should most definetly be part of this illustration. It has done a great contribution to the digital mess in our lives so it is understandable if we feel indebt with it. It is after all the BEST buy we could ever make.

1. Is your art a hammer or a mirror?

Overall I would consider my work as a mirror. This is because I have focused on reflecting my perspective on digital devices rather than showing the negative impact of these on us. As you can see there are no consequences mentioned on my description of my work and none of the images suggest any tupe of impact on this people, simply their actions and setting.

2. Does your art make you fink and theel? What are some of your own reactions to your art?

*I do not know what theel means* I would say my art makes me fink against digital devices because I often describe my work as a mess. And by definition, the word "mess" is consider to be a negative aspect around us. By doing so I am informing what my perspective is to the viewer. And even though no description is provided to him/her they will definetly see that the whole image itself is overwhelming.

3. What was the most interesting aspect of your making of the art?

I would say that the way I constructed my work and the way I chose 10 main different aspects to represent it are the most interesting aspects of it. Each peace was intended to be meaningful and connected to one another. It took me a fair amount of time to design it and to set the colors in a way for it to be clear that it was a television. Also the details throughout the whole image are the ones that truly communicate the message. In other words the big T.V. would simply be the setting of these.

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