Wednesday, November 18, 2009

HW 23 - 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

What does the cool mean?

"Cool" - 130 definitions- The best way to say something is neat-o, awesome, or swell. The phrase "cool" is very relaxed, never goes out of style, and people will never laugh at you for using it, very convenient for people like me who don't care about what's "in." - Urban dictionary.

What is cool and what isn't it is something one decides based on everything known to be right or "in". In other words it is an opinion. It is a word that we all have put together in order to symbolize something or someone to our own means outstanding. With this in mind, anyone can actually be cool at some point in their lives. Just like we are not good all the time and not bad all the time, we do not have to be cool all the time, but still be recognized as it. There are many definitions of this word, so certainly one must fulfill at least one of them. However, because most people are not familiar with this information, they stick to what they know about being cool. Namely, the one good looking guy and quarterback of the football team is THE cool guy. Meanwhile the rest of the people are simply wanna be cool. This image of coolness is illustrated in movies, books, soap operas, novels, stories, music, music videos, etc. Which makes the word "cool" way smaller than what it is. Instead of being something we all contributed in, it ends up being a words that only some can be recognized as. While this may be true I actually never thought gave much thought about the word cool, its definition, and who was or who wasn't. And I think this is due to my school environment. Ironically the only place where I am expected to face this term, or virtue, is at school. However, at my school things are different from movies and T.V. shows. Fortunately at our school there are no category groups. For example, the bookworms, the popular kids, the dorks, the freaks, etc. Everyone hangs out with everyone regardless of their characteristics. Perhaps this is why I haven't thought too much about being cool. However, when it comes down to it, I do have my own definition of the word cool.

In class we were discussing our own definitions of the word cool, and I realized that some people's meaning were complete opposites from my own. However there are some general aspects, such as being friendly or good looking, that are identified as requirements for someone to be cool. But others mentioned different aspects such as "athletic" or "wealthy" that I did not agree with. Since to me being cool is being relaxed. Or rather say it is the ability to not get upset over insignificant things and be very open minded. For instance, someone cool would get criticized and he would not mind it because he always looks forward and never takes his or her own words back. To me this is an actually cool person. But sometimes I find myself lying to others saying "that's cool" because I use it as an automatic response to their actions to make them feel good. Even though is not my intention to do so, I still say it because perhaps I want to make space for that person to feel comfortable and confident around me after suggesting my acceptance by saying "that's cool".

Consequently, now that I have thought about what have I've doing (deceiving others by labeling them as cool when I actually do not think they are) I cannot help to feel somewhat disgusted by it. And certainly someone has done the same to me, which makes me think that most of us do it to accept others and be accepted with the purpose of not being alone. In particular when those who we think are truly cool are out of our reach, or rather say out of existence. For instance, the superhero with unnatural abilities who saves the world, or the handsome vampire who rebels against his nature by falling in love with a human, or even the wealthy and good looking teenager at school who understands his friends' feelings and makes everyone feel good. Those are the cool people in our society. The ones we are unconsciously imitating to be part of whats "in". And because we and people around us cannot reach such level of coolness we accommodate to what we have and deceive others and ourselves.

In conclusion, I am aware that being cool or not is not what is truly important. Being cool is just one step towards being accepted or/and respected. And our lack of knowledge on this world limits us to recognizing ourselves as cool. Since in reality no one and nothing is actually cool then why not invent a new definition of this words and apply to ourselves to feel better. All words are made up anyways, why not make or add another one? Of course it is generally known that people who call themselves cool are lame, and people who are trying to be cool are fake. Nevertheless it has no importance, if one wants to be cool then that person is cool, even if it is only to himself. I do not care about the labels but who the person actually is. So far, I have not lived my high school labeling other people as cool or lame, and I can state that I've had a good time. I like my school and the people in it, cool or not. Even when they all live as identities rather that who they authentically are. And this of course includes myself.

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