Tuesday, December 22, 2009

HW 31 - Exploring Methods of M,M,C,A, & Aggrandizing the Self

Part A:
For this assignment I have asked my friend about his method to mask, manipulate, costume, adorn, or/and aggrandize the self.

This is how the conversation generally went:

So what method do you use to customize yourself. In other words be unique to be cool?

IF a person wants to BECOME cool then that person is not cool, but being naturally cool then that is being cool. I do not think about any methods or tool to become cool. I just buy whatever I want to be myself. I think that is cool.

Do you consider yourself as unique than other people around you? Like you want to be yourself.

I don't really care about other people. I just consider myself. and I consider myself from my own past.

When you buy clothes and decide your own hairstyle do you think that is being yourself?

I hope so. I don't want to show my image to other people. I just want to satisfy myself. If I choose a shirt to wear today, and it is a cheerful shirt then I will be happy that day.

Who considers that shirt as cheerful?

Myself. If other people say "Aww your shirt sucks" I dont care. I think "maybe you are not cool" Because he cares about it and that is not cool. I think that bvecoming better and being myself is the same thing. Right now I'm satisfied but there are times when i see better clothes and I will choose those clothes for myself and become better than who I was. I hope

Without these better clothes what would you do?

I don't have to compare myself with any other person. I will fit into any level. Like, if I don't have money I cannot buy better clothes. For example, This is only a shirt, and usually i wear it like this, but sometimes i roll up the sleeves up to here. Or up to here. I can make this shirt look different in many ways. So i can also make myself look different at different places.

Overall I did not really know how to approach this person without making him feel he had to defend himself. Through out this conversation I provided different examples that would make everything easier to understand. I was very direct and obvious of what I was looking for, and i think that caused him to back up a little. Therefore, I do not think I obtained complete honest answers from him.

I wanted to connect this to the term "cool" as much as possible. Because becoming cool is ultimately the main goal of using different methods to not be who we truly are. This connects to my previous post because it brings the same idea of dissatisfaction and discomfort a person has of himself/herself. This assignment simply discusses the different methods people use to fill the emptiness that resides within ourselves. Going back to the previous conversation. I think that the method my friend uses it to costume himself at and place and any time. Therefore he can "fit" into any group and still be himself. Although he claimed not to care about being cool, which suggest he considered himself and naturally cool, he is still "trying" to be someone he is not. What i mean by saying this is that a person who is often changing himself in order to fix something to fulfill his own expectations in not himself at all.
My friend often communicated not to care about what others thought if him. That he only cares about his own opinion. More than selfish I think this is defensive talking. I assume that he did not want to accept that he did care about what others thought of him therefore having this "unique image" is so important to him. Admitting this would make him seem Uncool. It is funny how much people protect and conserve their own image.

Part B

What methods do I use?

When I think about this question I cannot help thinking of how much time I dedicate into becoming better. I study Japanese for at least 45 hours a week, I practice piano everyday, I work on community projects every month, etc. I think that these are the methods I use to Aggrandize myself. Although I do not really know with what purpose I do it because I was taught that it is the best decision to make. Saying that I do this in order to succeed seems a bit hypocritical. I do it because I am constructing a good image of myself. With this image I can feel better about myself and my hard work and in society's terms, enjoy life. I do not think about fitting in into any group but actually outstanding it. It is mentally exhausting thinking in such way, and without mentioning a waste of time. I actually know that I am no better than anyone else and that no one is better then me.

Accepting that I am physically decaying is not an easy thing to do. I aggrandize myself not because i enjoy it but because It distracts me from the good things I am missing out in life. And it also distracts me from thinking that I am dying everyday and all the work I am doing is for nothing. Seeing it this way I cannot help of thinking how stupid my decisions actually are. Become cool for a short period of time seems to be more worth it than going out there and living life. However, will I stop?
At this moment I do not think so. Even though I do not want to do it I still have so much homework to do before school starts. And I also have to carry on with my responsibilities and promises. I don't really have time to stop.

Monday, December 21, 2009

HW 29 - Merchants of Cool

*This episode can be found in the following site: *

This episode talked about how big companies influenced teenagers into purchasing their products and keeping their ratings high by subtly using the term "cool' to describe their own merchandise. Nevertheless, this episode opened a whole different set of questions focusing mainly on the effect these different economic strategies affected the youth.

Often the narrator stated that teens were the ones running society's idealism and money. There a number of different reasons why this happens. One of them is called "Guilt money", when parents say to their children "Here take my credit card and buy anything you want because I cannot spend time with you." Teens today have spent millions of dollars on merchandise that would make them cool, "such as new clothes, a new ipod, a new phone, etc. And this is because they do not have a sense of responsibility therefore by never working for their own money they do not appreciate it as much, and simply buy what they do not need because of it. In my eyes this makes teens the perfect costumer. They do not have to worry about supporting someone else economically, so all their money is invested into improving themselves and satisfying their wants. Which is just as teens are expected to be at this point of their lives, but with a different purpose, to become better professionally, but we often misunderstand this intentions.

So what happens to adults, are they not cool?
Do you stop being cool when you grow up?
Does this mean that being cool is simply a sign of immaturity and stupidity?

All this time I have been living under the idea that as teenagers we have a lot to learn about the world of the adults, and that our life experiences are nothing compared to older generations therefore we cannot communicate any type of wise advice to other people. I would also say that for some people teenagers are considered to be at a stage of stupidity. This could be due to the hormones or simply because of feelings of confusion at that stage of their lives. As a teenager myself I also feel pretty stupid at times, however i do think there are different levels of stupidity. It is very easy to get influenced as a teenager, and i think that companies such as MTV or Disney take this to their advantage. In this episode workers of different companies were interviewed with the purpose of learning what their purpose was. It was stated that they only wanted to give the young audience what they wanted. And in order to do so they would have to "get involved on what their culture is, understand where they are coming from, and have to think like they think" And most importantly that these companies weren't "selling the product. They were selling the fact that they understood the culture" In other words they were selling a lifestyle.

I think that as honest these intention even may be, I do not think is possible as an adult to understand the world of a teenager. Although that adult has already experienced the teenage life it is not the same. There are many different factor involved that make this generation gap too far apart. One of them is the massive consumption that current teenagers live with, and that alone makes adults unable to relate to them to a point that they have to run many different human researches to have a sense of what is happening in the mind of the youth. Also I think that adults often forget what it was to be a teenager. Some people would say that it is because they realized what teenagers are unable to see at that stage of their lives, which is the importance of responsibility and values. But as the narrator says, "was it any different when we were young? That the thing we call youth culture wasn't something that was just being sold to us. It was something that came from us in act of expression not just of consumption. Is that boundary been completely erased?" In other words, perhaps we are the creators of our own consumption, and it is not actually not consumption but simply our self expression, which reflect who we naturally are under society and what we want from it. Have adults forgotten about their own feelings during their teenage life? I think that it is not that the "boundary was completely erased" but that when people grow up they consider that there are more important things to worry about than just being cool. This also reminds me of my interview with a stranger. He stated that adults who consider themselves as cool or uncool are adults who have not grow up yet. Although I cannot say I entirely agree with this statement It does make sense in a way. Specially when companies use such a stupid term as a method to sell.

These economic strategies, understanding what the costumer wants, is one of the most effective ways of making a profit. Although I do not think is possible to understand one another in such way, companies do make a profit after running "people research". They influence teens on what is cool to make them purchase their products. However, if a company simply provides all these different things without the knowledge of what the audience wants they will fail. This was seen with MTV when its ratings began to considerably decrease. "MTV Had the humilty to realize that cool was not their birth right. That it belongs to kids and kids keep changing. If they wanted to stay cool they had to change right along with them." Therefore they began doing this people research and based their programs more on what the audience wanted. However, ironically enough the research shown in the video was to interview a teenager boy who was a fan of MTV program. His life style and behavior were pretty common. I would say that most outstanding aspect is that he had different suits for church each Sunday. And based on this and many other interviews shows such as Jackass were added to MTV. This made no sense, because using the life of the teenager boy interviewed during the research as an example, he did not do anything as close as what a mook did. This leads me to think that "all that research is not understand him as a person but as a costumer". Maybe the term people research should be actually named market research.

Also, sex and violence are two great ways to drag teens attentions. Shows such as Dawson's Greek or movies such as I know what you did last summer are some of the examples that kids are interested on, and this is because of the "prohibited scenes or situations" that are shown in these. Everyone is attracted and interested to what they cannot have, not only children. Indeed teenagers may be really interested in sex but they do not used to show it until it was shown on TV first. It is as if these shows were the key to make the children live more wildly.

The main argument of this episode however is the following:
"Is it media really reflecting the world of kids, or is it all the way around? Sell back to media what they sold to them"- In other words behaving like the media suggested to behave to be cool.
"It is a giant feed back loop. The media watched kids and then sells them an image of themselves." Then kids watch those images and immediately relate to them.
I think is more complicated then that. Although there were many researches conducted on people behavior, the interviewers saw their world in a very specific way. For adult to teenager, not from teenager to teenager, so the interviewer could not even relate to him, so how could he possibly understand him? I think that these teens were and still are misunderstood. Companies claim to know what we want and where we come from but I can confidently say they have no idea what they are selling. And even thought they don't they still sell it because they think we would understand it, and we don't. We simple live with it thinking that this is the world we live in, this is what is happening, we had no control over it, because it was handed to us by the hands of the adults.

To conclude this episode one of the man who was interviewed said,"Often there is a kind of official and systematic rebelliousness that is reflected in media products...Is part of the official rock video world view. Is part of the official advertising world view, that you are parents are creeps, teachers are nerds and idiots, authority figures are laughable. Nobody can really understand kids except the corporate sponsor. That huge authority has interestly enough merged as the sort of task of superhero of consumer culture. That's the coolest identity of all"

I somewhat disagree with this quote because what this man is doing is labeling everyone including the teenager's, the main audience, into many different categories, claiming that that is how teenagers see the world. As previously mentioned, How could he possibly know about it? He is a man that probably studied some psychology, but mostly merchandise and grew up in a very different generation. And i know this because the man is obviously over 35 years old. It is not fair to state that teenagers and what they want is understood and reflected as we want it to be. I cannot speak for everyone my age, but I say that personally I do not think I'm understood my media; at least not from this culture.

Friday, December 18, 2009

HW 30 - Psychological and Philosophical Theorizing of Cool

*While researching the term "Emptiness" I constantly found several Buddhist articles discussing this. This could because this religion has interesting and powerful insights explaining human emptiness or simply because no one else actually dedicates time thinking and theorizing about this. *

"Gotama Buddha said. when he was an old man, "This body like an old cart, held together by straps; this body only keeps going by makeshift repairs. The only way I can feel comfortable is to absorb my mind into signless concentration."

Based on this quote and based on the analysis of it in the article, I do think that even the Buddha are not satisfied with their own being. Often times we feel discomfort with ourselves so we feel the need of improvement. This improvement is based on many different factors, but all coming from what the majority think is "best". This would bring the recently studied concept of "Cool". If one is not satisfied and comfortable with himself then he would continue with these "makeshift repairs" as opposed to reflecting on his actions and desires and concentrate on accepting himself. By not doing so we only enforce the idea that we are indeed empty, and this is because we focus too much on the outside to realize what is on the inside. Unlike most Buddhist we adopt these different shapes and roles to identify ourselves and what we do. Without mentioning we believe that this is what we truly want and need (to become better!) and therefore spend so many hours working towards it. So then, Why are we still miserable if we are working towards what we WANT? I actually think that we do not care about ourselves at all. As long as our strong suit is Okay then the emptiness can remain, at least for now.

How does emptiness feel? In my own perspective emptiness is the feeling of awareness that your existence is not needed to anyone or anything. Although I cannot describe the discomfort of this feeling, I do know that it causes one person to become apathetic and have no satisfactory purpose in life. Others would argue that emptiness can be interpreted as a hole and as human beings we feel the need to feel this hole with whatever may be necessary to avoid feeling lonely.
And others would argue that it is simply one's perspective of experience. For example, as Thanissaro Bhikkhu said,

Emptiness is a mode of perception, a way of looking at experience. It adds nothing to and takes nothing away from the raw data of physical and mental events. You look at events in the mind and the senses with no thought of whether there's anything lying behind them.

This mode is called emptiness because it's empty of the presuppositions we usually add to experience to make sense of it: the stories and world-views we fashion to explain who we are and the world we live in. Although these stories and views have their uses, the Buddha found that some of the more abstract questions they raise — of our true identity and the reality of the world outside — pull attention away from a direct experience of how events influence one another in the immediate present. Thus they get in the way when we try to understand and solve the problem of suffering.

In other words this feeling of emptiness lies on our perspective of our world and people in it. It is possible that thinking differently about one self can lead this feeling to banish. This would lead to adopt other ways of being because we perceive our current self as unsatisfactory to a point that causes us to feel empty.

Whence this emptiness? This emptiness has many different sources. As discussed in class it could come from feeling isolated/misunderstood since early age or by the continuous lack of achievement. It is most likely that those who feel emptiness feel that something missing, but knowing what it is and how to get it is something most people do not know. Our culture suggests that in order to fill that emptiness we must live a fulfilled life. Because we focus too much on becoming something or someone "better" we do not think of the fact that one day we are going to die. Because of this we might not realize that all our hard work might be in futile, and this is because one day it will die with us and eventually be forgotten by everyone. However, thinking of this might actually bring more emptiness to our lives. What is the point if we are going to die anyways? Therefore I do not think that death or "the end" is actually the source of our emptiness, but the rejection and unacknowledgement of our being. I consider that either when our physicality or mentality is rejected then we begin to feel empty. It is ironic because nothing is actually being taken out from us to become in such way, but it is just a way to describe the feeling of loneliness.

Ultimately I think that the emptiness we feel is due to all the inauthenticity of our beings trying to become someone else or chase after some value to explain our existence and the rank of it, which would be how cool you are.

Having this in mind, how could we live without emptiness? In other words how could we live authentically?

I think that while living under some culture and idealism it is not possible to live authentically. And this is because we do not know who we truly are. As human beings we do not recognize ourselves as animals, which is what we truly are, therefore if we deny our identity from the very beginning how could we live truthfully? In other words I do not think we can live without this emptiness, just learn to live with it.

How does cool relate to our attempt to live in relation to this emptiness?
As previously mentioned this emptiness is due to the inauthenticity in our lives. And at the same time we live our lives attempting to feel this emptiness with an absolute truth and label it reality only if we understand. Bikkhu Amaru explains his theory on the source of emptiness and examples of how the term of coolness might be interpreted. He said,

"when we talk about deathless, or the Absolute, of the goal, or the other shore, the mind goes a little bit blank trying to get a hold of it. Even in the way we speak about 'Nibbana'- 'Cooling down', 'Coolness' - we don't use any dramatic or emotive term, it's all a bit bland, non-descriptive. We talk about 'emptiness': the realisation of Absolute Truth, or of our true nature, the realisation of the non-conceptual pure mind, we describe as 'the ultimate emptiness'.

We use that kind of terminology not because there is nothing there, but because when the conceptual mind tries to grasp ultimate reality, since it cant be formed into a pattern, it finds that there is no THING there. It is like picking up a book in Chinese; if you can't read Chinese you are picking up a book in a foreign language. Here is a book, perhaps full of profound and wonderful teachings and pure truths, but you can't read the script, so it's meaningless. This is like the conceptual mind truing to grasp Ultimate Truth, the nature of the Godhead. The thinking mind says, 'Well what is it?" "How do you describe it?" "Where is it?" "Am I it?" "Am I not it?" It gropes for some kind of handle. In the same way, the thinking mind falls flat, as when trying to read a book in Chinese or Devanagari or whatever when it only knows English.

So because to the conceptual mind the experience of the Ultimate Truth has no form, it can be described as 'emptiness'. But the non-conceptual wisdom-mind, the realisation of Truth is like the Truth seeing itself. Pure Mind, aware of it's own nature.

Perhaps indeed only being fully aware of our own nature can make us realize that this emptiness is inauthentic. And that our need to know the absolute truth of our existence is perhaps nothing more than something to hold on to and understand it for the sake of our beings. We all need some type of explanation. Somewhere to belong. Otherwise we would feel incomplete and empty for not being a part of anything. Therefore as Amaru said, there is not actual term used to describe this emptiness. It is taken as a simple definition of our state as opposed to the right word to communicate our true feelings. In other words people adopt these different words, cool, empty, etc. without actually knowing if these are actually accurate to what they are or feel. People simple adapt to this vocabulary and use it to "describe" emotions. I do not think that it is honest to say that "I am empty" when a person is actually in reality never empty. Otherwise he would be dead.



Emptiness and Pure Awareness

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

HW 28 - Informal Research - Internet, Magazines, and TV Shows

Cultural sources of insight into Cool:

Kids' Health- Being cool

This article addresses methods to follow in order to be cool in our society. For example, "How to look, or how to talk, or how to act" are some of the main topics discussed in this article. Although this article attempts to answer the main question of "What is cool" it avoids it by stating that one of the main kids' concern is being cool. Therefore these methods only target kids. However, It is easy to assume that these could actually apply to everyone and this is because knowing how to be cool since the very beginning "As kids" then it easy to move on from there, or as many would do begin basing his/her life as if their childhood was in such way.

The article encourages to "Talk about movies, TV shows, books, sport... You can soon find out what is popular with the other kids by listening to them, and then join in." which we are familiar with as cool for know whats "in". However these are just some of the ways to be cool, in this article a whole set of list with what to do and what not to do to be cool is provided. I would say this is the most interesting because it tells the reader that in order to fit in he/she would have to follow these different methods to be accepted. In other words change who that person is to become someone else. This list can be seen on the site above.

In this article Dr. Kate states that "fitting in with the group and having friends are very important for anyone. Sometimes movies give the idea that being cool is about looking trendy, pretending to be really laid back and being unkind to 'uncool' kids.
This is just movie stuff. In the real world, most kids want to feel good about themselves, have friends, be interested in the world around them, have fun and look after each other.
Now that's cool!"
In other words the idea of cool that is shown in movies is actually not true, but the ability to have fun with others around you and and care after one another, is more likely to be what is cool in reality. I do agree that such characteristics would make someone cool, however, the representation of what is cool shown in movies is also very accurate to the society's general definition on what's cool. As seen in class and the interviews, people often said that someone cool, was someone relaxed or really "laid back". This being their first answer, how could we not consider this as realistic?

Although this article covers mostly all the general ideas of what is cool and what i not as a child, I find it somewhat ironic. This is because it is clear that the author of this article is not a kid sharing his/her thoughts on what is cool, but an older woman who in fact described herself as "definitely not cool", writing his son's friends' opinions on what is cool. I think it was interesting how she based all this method's on children's opinions, and molded them to her own. I am confident to state that the idea of what is cool that the children currently have comes corporate culture. People as adults also continue to learn from it and communicate its importance to their children, therefore it is not quite accurate to say that this is the children perspective on what is cool but a reflection of their parent's and teacher's ideas.

This simply shows once again that there is no complete and accurate definition of cool, therefore articles such as these will always be debated or disagreed upon.

What's Cool and What's Not- Red Eye

A survey on "Cool/Not Cool" of approximately 600 Americans of the ages 18 to 34. Similarly to my own interviews the results to what is cool is: dress fashionably, be social, and be confident. As for what is considered "uncool" is pretty much the opposite of this characteristics. Such as, "Living under a rock" or living isolated from other people and what's "in". However, this article shows some of the answers that were not standard but actually insightful. Some of these were:

"It's probably more about what is popular, but in order to tie it into the brand we called it the "cool/uncool" survey," Occhipinti said.

"Basically, if you ask everyone their favorite ice cream, you will end up with vanilla being the most popular every time," said Gutsche, whose new book, "Exploiting Chaos," launches in September. "But that doesn't mean vanilla is cool."

"It's direct, it's to the point," Kritzer said. "No one's ignoring a text message."

Because it is a survey all different ideas of what is cool and what is not and even the significance of this word are shown. Also it is clear that some people are aware that "It also depends on how you define "cool." Take the exercise of declaring the coolest "Entourage" character (assuming, for the sake of argument, that "Entourage" is cool)".

This article also connects to famous T.V. shows such as True Blood to demonstrate what people think is cool and what is not. However, it is stated that regardless of how these characters may be portrayed whether they are cool or not depends on the audience's opinion. What I find most interesting however is the following sentence: "Sometimes, the best way to know what's cool is to know what's not. RedEye asked those in the know to weigh in on what's in, what's out, and what's, well, whatever. (In the case of "True Blood," we relied on our own expertise.)" This is because most people assume that knowing the negativity of any aspect is knowing everything about it. In other words once you learn the bad things you know assume that what is left is good. But this is not entirely true, specially when in reality there is no right and wrong. Being so there is no actual cool or uncool in reality.

Whats up for Today- New York Cool

Although this article does not clearly discuss what is cool it shows what is currently "in". It specifically addresses New York in December. Different movies, shows, celebrity's news, are mentioned here suggesting that in order to be up to date with society (In other words cool), one must know about these.

The prices of the tickets to watch these movies and shows are also provided in this site. Along with a small description and opinion on the movie. For example, Read Frank J. Avella's Film Column with his list of the thirteen best films of 2009 and the best films of the decade. Therefore, it must be watched.

This reminds me of the time we were discussing about the unreachable in class. Movie stars are often recognized as unreachable people similarly to a real star. And according to this site what is cool are the movies and shows that are currently being played. Movies portray the life of a character and that character is played by a movie star, which suggest that the life of that character and the character itself are cool, simple because the movie is categorized as such. After watching this movie people being adopting and developing new perspectives on whats cool and what isn't and communicate it to the world. Perhaps without movies people would be more honest about themselves and their lives.

This article, as previously mentioned, often mentions the ticket price of the movie or play. Which tells me in a way that it is indeed possible to sell and purchase "cool". I am starting to think that this term is mainly conserved with the purpose of merchandise as opposed to a way of describing ourselves and our lives. Perhaps when we adopt some one's image because is cool, we are advertising a company's merchandise. And this is because in my opinion there is no such thing as being unique in this society. Ideas come from other ideas which are based on different ideas. Nothing is original to begin with to claim that one's style is unique.

The Uncool Hunters- In search for the Anti global no-trends

I have never encounter a site where the general idea of Uncool was so well shown before. I consider myself to be open minded when it comes down to the terms of cool and uncool. However, I could not help thinking "How lame..." some of these things were while i was going through it. The site does now state how uncool something is, It simply provides information about each picture and video shown. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the site only targets what is uncool, but it seems to me that their choices were somewhat global as opposed to their own, and this is because despite being an American site most of the pictures are international, specially from South America, and Mexico.

Some of these pictures were:

This is not an accurate drawing of Zonic, therefore it considered uncool. In other words, bad copies are not wanted.

I found this somewhat disturbing, and I do recognize it as uncool because of it. However, I can assume that someone did find it cool, and I can tell it is the one who made these. This suggests that what is recognized as uncool is decided by the majority.

*Since when is a bathroom with doors cool? Because evidently one without is uncool. This supports my thoughts on not everything uncool of one aspect make the rest of it cool. A bathroom with doors cannot be seen as cool just as "normal". Perhaps it is the unusual what makes us consider something as cool or uncool even, such as these photographs.

"Teleton is a unity Mexican Project that promotes the integration of the disabled and Jimmy “the spoiled of Mexico” was discovered. A sports commentator who works for Televisa was the person who made Jimmy’s dream come true and that is why this lad could sing in TV together with his idol Pedro Fernández. They sang the mega hit “Yo no fui”.
The effect was accurate. Our dreamer stole the heart of the viewers. After that, proposals and invitations came like rain and therefore a pink house was donated to him because he had always wanted one for his family.

It’s been a meteoric promotion that includes movies (he plays the role of an Aztec God in the film
Mictlan”) and he has also signed contracts with record companies.
When he is invited to different TV Shows he promotes his second album singing the hit “My carcachita
So that’s why Jimmy, who is just 18 years old, becomes the example of “nothing can stop us” when all you have is willpower. Nothing."

This is an example of the information and author's comments on some of the pictures in this site. Many videos of this child singing are shown in the site. One of them is a music video and another one is a "thanks" video from the child. I think that this child is consider uncool for the simple fact that he is part of this site. The description seems to be a mockery to this child's life. Just to be clear I am not saying that his life itself is a mockery, but there is no need for the sarcasm. He is indeed handicapped, and because of it he became famous. I do not think Mexico consider es him uncool, they simply feel sorry for him. Me however, coming from the same culture, I do not feel sorry for him, and I do think he was made uncool. Perhaps it is because my definition of what cool has shifted, but regardless I do not think that people with disabilities should be used as entertainment with the purpose of making a profit. But then again that happens with non-disabled people as well.

In conclusion I do not think is fair to judge what is cool and what is not. People have many different ideas even though these came from other people, and if they want to express these in a way that they think unique, then it should not be criticized. Because of this criticism and our fear of it, our current art is not as well as it used to be 100 years ago and before that. We hide under the idea that everything has been made and taught so there is no need to bring something else to the table, but a copy or an update. Ultimately I think that we are all cool and uncool at the same time so there is no need to try being one or avoid being the other.

Monday, December 7, 2009

HW 27 - Informal Research - Interviews and Surveys

Family member Response:


What does it mean to be "cool"?
I think that nobody should be cool. Is like they say "the beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Coolness depends on how people see it. There is no one complete definition of what is cool. Of course I do think that some people are cool but that's because they like the same things I do or because i like what they are wearing or doing.

How important do you think this is?
There should be a balance between people. like not everybody can be the same. There should be a balance when some people are more interested than others but that doesn't make the other people uncool. Like the popular people and the shy people, that doesn't mean the shy ones are uncool, they are just quiet and don't show how cool they are.

Any additional comments/ideas?
Maybe everyone has tried to fit in with other people that they like or try to be with but that doesn't mean they have to try to be "cool".



What does it mean to be "cool"?
To be cool is a way of being, is not something that you cannot pretend because if you do is unauthentic and people realize that. I think being cool is also just a label from society. And also i used as a tool to create pressure.

How important do you think this is?
I don't consider it significant because i think it depends more on what is important for you. I mean is as important as being friendly, kind, etc. So in reality is not important.

Any additional comments/ideas?

Is like I said at the beginning, people cannot pretend to be something they are not because is not going to work. It depends on a person's point of view.


After interviewing the memebers of my family I realized that we share a similar point of view on what is cool. It is something I didnt know before because we never talked about this, which is interesting because somehow we all believe in a very simlar thing. I assume that we obtained this definition from the same outside source which makes us think similary, however I cannot exactly say where we learnt this from or how we developed these thoughts in the past.


Friends' Responses:


What does it mean to be cool?
To have many friends that accept you for who you are and to be able to fit inside society's mold.

What is the significance of being cool?
The only reason that people want to be cool is to have friends and gain respect.

Do you have any additional ideas/comments about this matter?
I don't think people worry about being cool anymore. It is more like an old topic. I think it is more like being yourself lately. People have been forming clicks instead of being cool, just being around the people that are similar to them.



What does it mean to be cool?
Uhm...Well, colored hair, piercings, tattoos, not being a bomb and actually working for a living, and having people that appreciate you. I mean just enjoying life and not let little things bother you.

What is the significance of being cool?
I think its important because in my eyes that's the way to be happy in life. Like if other people see what you are then maybe they will try to achieve the same happiness you have.

Do you have any additional ideas/comments about this?
Oh people who are not cool are people who are trying too hard to be cool. You have to be cool naturally to be cool. Like being cool is different to every person, so I don't know really how being cool affects other people.


After asking my friends their opinion on what in cool and its significance I became to realize how different our perspectives are. I learnt that before they have never actually thought about this so they thought they didn't have a very satisfactory response.
When I asked my friend Mercedes I could somewhat relate to her response because she had a much more broad perspective on this term as opposed to my friend Dahina. Dahina considers appearance as a much more important aspect of being cool than having other people. And I know this because her first answer addressed "looks" not a social life. I assume that most people in New York, specially those in a lower class think similarly.


Stranger's response:


What does it mean to be "cool"?

hmm...Be yourself.

Ah you can do better than that!

I don't think it can be defined since every person has their own idea of cool
but i guess cool to me would mean being yourself, not caring about what others think negatively about you, you're relaxed and you talk and do things in a calm way, and i guess if people like you or hang around with you then you're cool. And you have a personality

What is the significance of being "cool"?

I think that it makes people conform.

Do you think this should be changed?

hmm..Wow. I don't know really.
Maybe it won't be good to change it. I mean it might confuse people cause they won't know whats good.

Do you have any additional comments or ideas?
Not really, sorry I wasn't much help.

Thank you!

-Victor (age: around 17)


What does it mean to be "cool"?
uhm... Cold like person. Oh and I'd say relaxed and a person in style. For example like drugs make you relax therefore they are cool.

So do you think there is a general idea of what is cool or do you think everyone has its own?
No, everyone has its own.

So then what do you think about people labeling others cool and uncool when there are different definitions of it?
Uhm.. labeling and judging is what people do. To classify things into groups.

How important do you think it is having the word "cool" in our lives?
Once you hit adult the word loses it meaning.

Do you think that applies to everyone?
No, because some people don't grow up.

Do you have any additional comments or ideas?

Thank you so much!

-Igor (Age around 19)

After comparing the strangers' responses to the previous ones i obtained I came to the conclusion that indeed perhaps every person has a different definition of the word "cool" therefore no one should actually entitle others or one self as cool based on only one definition because it will not be seen the same by everyone. I think that it is somewhat necessary to categorize people into groups however. This is because society needs a sense of structure to feel that things are working the way they are supposed to. Therefore labeling people on appearance or behavior is what determines that person's place in that community. Which is not necessarily true, simply the way people might see that one individual and of course, themselves.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

HW 26 - Photos & Questions

Interview 1

(Note: This Interview was translated to English therefore this is not exactly what the interviewee said but it is the same idea.)

Saori M.

1. Who/What do you think is cool?

S: Someone who doesn't go back on his or her word.

2. Why do you think people is more likely to have a different answer for the previous question?

S: Because everyone has different minds and personalities that make us see things differently. Also because of the different culture and costumes we live under our opinion of cool is different.

3. I see. What does your culture "teach" is cool?

S: First, people who keep their word are consider cool. Then, also someone who is hard worker. And someone who doesn't get upset easily; i mean someone who always handles any situation well.

4. How about appearance and social status?

S: Yes, someone who takes care of himself and his appearance (Clean clothes, keeps in shape, etc.) is also considered cool. And social status...Of course we admire wealthy people but we never say that they are cool or that we want to become like them because in my culture desiring money is not elegant. For example, we don't do tips. We appreciate with our mind and heart someones effort or work. Paying money for it would be considered rude.

5. I am surprised by how different this culture is to the American one. Do you know that in here what we consider cool generally consists of common stereotypes such as being popular, good looking, or athletic. As if we were the flat characters of a story and each one of us with a different label and role. What do you think about this?

S: To be honest, because it is America I think is good. The culture is very different and I accept it the way it is.

6. I see. Well I think you are a cool person. What do you have to say about that?

S: *She laughs* Why is that? I don't think I am cool.

7. I too have my "own definition" of what is cool. Personally, If I were to consider someone as cool it would be because I recognize his or her talent or ability on anything they do. And also those who do what they said they would do are cool to me. I become to admire that person and think is cool. And as for you, I think that you have the ability of making anyone feel at home, even if it is a stranger.
Knowing this, what do you think now?

S: *Laughs* Ah...because of our education we don't really know how to express our feelings, but thank you. I can say that I see myself as very simple minded and stubborn. Now, I wouldn't lie to myself or others and if I don't want something it will not happen!

8. Did you ever "try" to be cool in your school/work?

S: Yes

9: What did you do to achieve it?

S: I worked very hard, wore make up everyday, I was very friendly and very fashionable.

10. And how did it turn out?

S: After doing all that to become cool I didn't succeed in the end. But eventually that way of life just became natural to me, so it is something I did often afterwards.

11. Why do you think you failed?

S: Ah that's easy! Because I was not being true to myself. I was bringing myself to agree with the majority when I actually didn't. It was very tiring.

12. So, if you could re-do that part of your life what would you have done instead?

S: I would have followed my own thoughts and dreams without being affected by every one's opinions. I was weak-willed and I didn't walk on a straight line towards my goal I just zigzagged.

13. Do you think that would have been cool?

S: Yes! Because it would be my own iron-will.

14. But you didn't do it. Even when it was cool to you.

S: We are human beings and we really don't have a choice. There is no actual time machine, so the past just taught me a lesson.

15. Yes, as I said I think you are cool, and not because of your appearance or social status but because of who you are. I learnt so much from your answers. I don't want to lie to myself and I hope I have enough will to not do so and to just follow my own words. Cool or not.

S: one thing last thing, just make sure to follow a right path.

16. Thank you very much for this interview. Smile!


Interview 2

(Note: this interview is pretty accurate)

Bao Lin Z.

1. What or who do you think is cool?

B: Many many..that i can't list them all..but the ones who "looks" nice, fearless, not whinning abt the problem..but instead. solve it..mature. smart, creative, talented.

2.So there being many things you consider as cool in general, would you say that most people, if not everyone, is actually cool?

B: Yea...if i get to know them more...not necessary good at certain things like skills..but just personalities..can make a very cool person.

3.Do you consider yourself as a cool person?

B: Sometimes..but not always..b/c im emo..so often times..i dun c myself as a cool person to the circle tat I wanted to be. Also, i will never want to compare to the ones whose "lower" than me..to just make myself feel cool..there is certain "standards" tat i look up to and tats y i don't c myself as a cool person.

4. May I ask what does your culture generally 'teach' is cool?

B:I guess at first..they did teach me wut is cool..but then i develop it more myself
as I grow up?

5. What did they teach you?

B: Someone succesful, wealthy, smart, better than others, etc.

6.So would you say is similar the American culture?

B:Sort of..not fully..but is like the american dream thing.

7. Okay. Do you think we should all be open minded about this term?

B: Yea..but can't held it..u cant really ask some teenagers to say an old person with insights is cooler than the newest phone. If people were open minded the world would be a lot better.

8. I agree with you. Have you ever tried to become cool?

B: I was for a while but I quit.

9.Why did you quit?

B:I quit..because i think im tryin too hard to be someone that I am not..of course..everything want nice clothes and etc.. but i invest way too much money on that..and btw..is not even my own money..i understand tat once i got this one..the next day..i want the other one..the trend is going too fast..and is just eating my money up..is not worth it. I mean..if someday i will have earn my own money..to a point that i don't have to doubt whether i should buy this or the other..i might be in again. I think that will be way cooler is like showing off my own strength..wut i can do..not wut my parents can do. Also spending so much money from my parents..is like begging them..and owing them more.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh..i have more to add. Im also making more garbage by doing that...once i have new ones..i immediately abandon the old ones.

10.So you are saying that you quit trying to be cool, however, you said that sometimes you already consider yourself as cool. So are you implying that you are naturally cool? Also based on your previous answer, I think you consider wealth as one of the most, if not the most important steps, towards coolness.What do you have to say about that?

B: I dun't think im naturally cool...i must have done sth to make myself to be certain ways..but is definitely someone tat i wanted to be..not someone who tries to be something tat i am not...as i said before..i do think i am cool sometimes..but there are different levels and definitions of coolness tat im impplying..i quit the type of coolness regarding on fashion...but in terms of other perspective..im still cool on that. Also to me..there are differetn levels of cool. you can be dis cool..then there is a higher level of cool...wealth is also one way to be cool but im not up to that yet.

11. So in other words is there really something such as cool?

B:I think cool is a very general and vague term. is like flower but there are many types of flower.

12. That's a nice way of putting it. Do you think this term was just made up to describe something attractive rather than a way to live? Why do you think we take this term at such extent?

B: I hear ppl say it everyday, but most of the time..it never seem to be cool to me
b/c this term never hurts anybody and ppl can take it many ways u simply say "oh tats cool"..it doesn't hurt always nice and vague compliment we all learned tat cool is not something bad.

13. So it's like a meaningless word now, at least to you?

B: Not really,sometimes it makes me happy hearing tat.

14.Oh great because I personally think you are cool Bobo. And even if you consider yourself as uncool sometimes just remember that someone else thinks you are cool all the time so it doesn't really matter.

So, Thank you for this interview ! Hope you had some things to ponder now.

B: heee..ask wut i hate just for today.

15. Oh by the way can you send me a picture so I can post it?

B: Sure

Monday, November 23, 2009

HW 25 - Story Comments and Analysis

To Blz

I really enjoyed your story. You made it clear that the main character was what you identify as a"cool" guy. However, you still recognize that this is just your own interpretation of what is cool, since you portrayed another character who was first seen as "the class clown" and described him as cool through other character's perspective. I think this twist was very clever to demonstrate that there is no such thing as actually being cool, but how people see one another based on how their behaviour or appearance. Also, I was surprised by all the different items you mentioned in your story and by the clothing link you provided. To me these showed a connection to the real world and made your story more believable.

Some distinctions based on story:
To Bao Lin someone cool is someone who:
*Has others who understand whatever he/she says or refers to, showing that he/she is able to relate to others and be on whats "in".
*Good appearance and attracts the opposite sex too much. "1000 comments from the old post. Mostly are from the girls."
*Someone who is up to date with whats 'in"
*Blogger (Pictures and Writing -deep, poetic, metaphor writing-)
*Good taste in clothes and devices. "Nice Subcrew X Clot Cap!”


To Richard。

-I liked your tone and use of words in your work.-
Rather than focusing on the general definition of someone who is cool you have showed someone who is more in touch with himself and his own life. Perhaps that is your own interpretation of someone who is cool and to me it is completely valid. But, because it is not a usual or common definition of being cool I think you need to interpret your story differently. Instead of showing you only told who your character was, which made your point rather confusing. So instead, for example, describe your character in a situation where he is forced to show his cool characteristics (whatever these may be to you), thereby show how other characters respond to these in order to show if he is cool or not to them. It is after all a story.

Some distinctions based on story:
To Richard someone cool (or uncool, I'm not sure) is someone who:
*Believes he/she is free
*Goes against the rules or what people say. "he doesn't have any rules just to do whatever make him happy...and i mean whatever"
*A thinker - interest in knowing the answer-
*Someone who wants to live life! "He doesn't care about the consequences he will face, he's willing to try anything new"

*Distant from others (Perhaps misunderstood)
*Someone who finds no purpose
*Someone who cannot take his/her next step in life (Therefore give it up).
*Experiments in life.

After reading these stories I came up with the conclusion that our own definition of "cool" is based on the people we admire. Although we might not remember a specific person who embodies our definition of cool, we still have the image that was shown to us at some point in our lives. This image is also is originally and generally developed through the messages of corporate media on what is Cool. Being rich, good looking, athletic, and a rebel are some of the examples corporate media defines as cool. Thereby, we adopt these definitions and intend to live up to them to be recognized in some way. This is shown in Bao Lin's short story, where the main character is someone who stands out physically and socially in his community. In order to understand her definition of cool, I listed some of the distinctions she mentions in her story. For example, "Someone who is up to date with whats 'in" and "Good taste in clothes and devices".

Suggesting that her definition of what is cool is highly influenced by the different messages of corporate media. Notwithstanding, Richard's short story which does not clearly embody the general definition of what is cool. In his story he portrays a philosopher who desires to live life according to his own means. Additionally, this character is described to be distant from other people and misunderstood, causing it to be unusual for someone to identify this character as cool.
Originally I did not understand if Richard wanted to represent his definition of cool or uncool through this character, and now that I think of it I do not think that matters. Regardless if this character is cool or not, he is someone who stands out in Richard's point of view. Implying that Richard does think he is uncool, then he could be surprised and change his mind about someone with a similar personality when that person shows something else, just like Bao Lin's story.
We label people based on their behavior and looks not allowing them to truly show who they are. And once they have the opportunity to do so, the people no longer recognize them as flat characters but as round. In other words, even if a person is cool it is predictable what his words or actions will be. And this is because that person is living up to the general idea of what is cool provided by the media. So being cool might not actually be standing out or being "unique" after all.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

HW 24- Short Story 1

"How many did it take to be like them"

I was surrounded by 6 or 7 guys. 3 of them were my friends and the others I didn't really know. We were in some alley at some time. I wasn't sure. It was my first time and I didn't even like it. My body and my mind were in complete different places trying to get back together but it was so loud. These guys were so loud. All the fucking time so loud. "Shut up" I managed to say. Then I heard them laughing. Damn it! I should've said no. "Isn't it sweet? Now you are on of us", my friend said to me before sitting down and putting his head down. We were feeling the same. Finally we were the same. I was feeling pretty bad though, but I was glad to feel in such way because it was the way to feel.

It was my second time, and this time we were in school. I did not feel like shit this time, it was actually pretty awesome. Everyone was looking at them AND me. The cheerleaders wanting to be with us and the nerds wanting to be like us. That was the way to be. The way I've always wanted to be. Then after school the usual through the nose.

The third time was actually my first time. And it was like her thirtieth time. I knew it because those guys around me told me their night adventures with her. Then I felt disgusted. My first time wasn't special anymore. Damn it! Damn it, I should've said no! But she continued and I continued. I didn't like it at all, but I answered "yes" when she asked me. Then I needed it once again, through the nose. Finally I was not with her. I was at....I can't recall.

My fourth time was terrifying. It was against one of the guys I didn't really know but always surrounded me. He pissed me off and I pissed him off enough to make him say "Today after school at the baseball field!" Everyone was looking at me with excitement. It was obvious that their encouraging words were so fake because they were so loud. So loud all the fucking time. I needed it, and this time really badly. I was so scared I wanted to run away, but they kept me here. And although they were just following me I could swear they were pushing me there. I kept resting it but I continued because I had so much to lose and because it was the thing to do. The first punch knocked me right to the ground. It hurt a lot but not as much as hearing them say "Uuuhh. C'mon get up!" or "Ouch... That must've hurt, haha!". This time I really needed it. Right through the nose like never before. Enough to truly knock me for days and days so I could forget about all this. Then right after I finally got up he punched me again back to the ground. Damn it! Damn it! Fuck! I should've said no! Then he continued to beat me and I continued to take it until I was out. And this time not from relieving myself but from being beaten to unconsciousness.

My fifth time wasn't as great as my second time. Everyone wasn't really looking at me and they weren't really approaching me like before. It has been a month and the bruises are almost gone. But I think they could still see them as clear as I did. The cheerleaders avoided me and the nerds ignored me, both saying to one another "he is actually a loser". Loser. Loser, over and over. I had lost way too much now. I was still surrounded by these guys though. The only thing that kept us together was what we did at school. I knew it had to be it because that was the way to get in and remain. It all began when tobacco wasn't enough anymore and when I didn't say no. And now I needed it after thinking I could always control it, now I really needed it. I needed to be surrounded or I would fall apart. It doesn't matter how bad I feel or how loud everyone is; I don't want you to look down upon me. Then I watched them, all of them, becoming more and more distant from me and one another. After that there was not really a sixth time, just a continuation of my fifth one. The one time I ended up failing. Damn it... I really should've said no...

HW 23 - 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

What does the cool mean?

"Cool" - 130 definitions- The best way to say something is neat-o, awesome, or swell. The phrase "cool" is very relaxed, never goes out of style, and people will never laugh at you for using it, very convenient for people like me who don't care about what's "in." - Urban dictionary.

What is cool and what isn't it is something one decides based on everything known to be right or "in". In other words it is an opinion. It is a word that we all have put together in order to symbolize something or someone to our own means outstanding. With this in mind, anyone can actually be cool at some point in their lives. Just like we are not good all the time and not bad all the time, we do not have to be cool all the time, but still be recognized as it. There are many definitions of this word, so certainly one must fulfill at least one of them. However, because most people are not familiar with this information, they stick to what they know about being cool. Namely, the one good looking guy and quarterback of the football team is THE cool guy. Meanwhile the rest of the people are simply wanna be cool. This image of coolness is illustrated in movies, books, soap operas, novels, stories, music, music videos, etc. Which makes the word "cool" way smaller than what it is. Instead of being something we all contributed in, it ends up being a words that only some can be recognized as. While this may be true I actually never thought gave much thought about the word cool, its definition, and who was or who wasn't. And I think this is due to my school environment. Ironically the only place where I am expected to face this term, or virtue, is at school. However, at my school things are different from movies and T.V. shows. Fortunately at our school there are no category groups. For example, the bookworms, the popular kids, the dorks, the freaks, etc. Everyone hangs out with everyone regardless of their characteristics. Perhaps this is why I haven't thought too much about being cool. However, when it comes down to it, I do have my own definition of the word cool.

In class we were discussing our own definitions of the word cool, and I realized that some people's meaning were complete opposites from my own. However there are some general aspects, such as being friendly or good looking, that are identified as requirements for someone to be cool. But others mentioned different aspects such as "athletic" or "wealthy" that I did not agree with. Since to me being cool is being relaxed. Or rather say it is the ability to not get upset over insignificant things and be very open minded. For instance, someone cool would get criticized and he would not mind it because he always looks forward and never takes his or her own words back. To me this is an actually cool person. But sometimes I find myself lying to others saying "that's cool" because I use it as an automatic response to their actions to make them feel good. Even though is not my intention to do so, I still say it because perhaps I want to make space for that person to feel comfortable and confident around me after suggesting my acceptance by saying "that's cool".

Consequently, now that I have thought about what have I've doing (deceiving others by labeling them as cool when I actually do not think they are) I cannot help to feel somewhat disgusted by it. And certainly someone has done the same to me, which makes me think that most of us do it to accept others and be accepted with the purpose of not being alone. In particular when those who we think are truly cool are out of our reach, or rather say out of existence. For instance, the superhero with unnatural abilities who saves the world, or the handsome vampire who rebels against his nature by falling in love with a human, or even the wealthy and good looking teenager at school who understands his friends' feelings and makes everyone feel good. Those are the cool people in our society. The ones we are unconsciously imitating to be part of whats "in". And because we and people around us cannot reach such level of coolness we accommodate to what we have and deceive others and ourselves.

In conclusion, I am aware that being cool or not is not what is truly important. Being cool is just one step towards being accepted or/and respected. And our lack of knowledge on this world limits us to recognizing ourselves as cool. Since in reality no one and nothing is actually cool then why not invent a new definition of this words and apply to ourselves to feel better. All words are made up anyways, why not make or add another one? Of course it is generally known that people who call themselves cool are lame, and people who are trying to be cool are fake. Nevertheless it has no importance, if one wants to be cool then that person is cool, even if it is only to himself. I do not care about the labels but who the person actually is. So far, I have not lived my high school labeling other people as cool or lame, and I can state that I've had a good time. I like my school and the people in it, cool or not. Even when they all live as identities rather that who they authentically are. And this of course includes myself.

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 21 - Art Project 1

For this assignment I have done a collage composed of mostly digital devices. I have designed this collage in a certain way to represent a much deeper idea regarding the effect of digital devices on society. My work of art is shown in the following pictures:

"Digital Devices..."

I have based this image on showing a television. This is because in our lives we do not experience anything directly anymore. We see life through a screen, and we identify ourselves and other people as being inside this mental screen which is also composed by so many other different devices that build our lives. The viewer has to pay close attention to the details of these image because these are the ones that communicate a message. As an artist I want to tell my perspective through my work, so others can understand it and even relate to it. Every cut piece and every minute I dedicated to this collage were mostly for me. I wanted to draw the world I was living in, even if I did not understand it or accepted it. This poster is currently hanged on my wall to remind where my mind is and by what it is surrounded.

My work is somewhat difficult to understand therefore I have broken it up into 10 different components. The following image represents the location of each of these components. These communicate my interpretation on digital devices and the effect these have on us.

1. This shows the body ob a child. The upper part of his body is found at the very top of the collage and the the bottom part is found at the very bottom of the collage. This is because I did not only want to represent how the mind was completely surrounded by all these devices but our bodies as well. I intended to represent the T.V. as part of the boy's body. his identity is formed by all these devices and therefore ever where he goes he will carry these with him. It is a comfortable burden that we recognize as normal therefore we do not try to get rid of it, even if it gets incredibly heavy.

2. This is found at the very top of the collage. My purpose of putting so many televisions showing the same image together was to represent repetition. When one reads a book he begins reading from the top to the bottom of the page. Even if it is from left to right or right to left it follows the same format. While reading my work, it began with repetition, the same repetition we face on a day to day bases while interacting with devices. The same song, the same commercial, the same picture, the same words, etc. day by day and we do not get bored of it, we are actually entertained. Therefore, while looking at my work the viewer must as well feel entertained by such messy and overwhelming repetition. As for the rest of the collage this repetition is shattered throughout the entire image. There are several iPods, lap tops, cell phones, etc. That even though these are recognized as complete different devices they have the same function.

3. This shows an image of a Zebra inside a televeison. This is one of the 10 main components in my collage because it represents our connection with nature and other animals, which is also through a screen. I can state without doing any research that more than 75% of the population in America does not travel to places such as Africa to see other animals in their natural behavior and habitat. We only see these though the famous Animal planet on television and remain satisfied. Which tells me that only seeing is enough for us, and there is no need nor interest to actually experience it.

4. I have put several watches throughout the entire collage with the purpose of representing time. Most of these watches are located at the bottom where most of the images of people are located, including the babies. As we know digital devices take too much of our time and sometimes we do not even notice. It is normal for us to dedicate 2 hours to the computer every day. Or to spend 30 minutes talking in the phone. These hours are not felt, only wasted. And these hours are part of our lives and mainly our youth, but we do not feel them. Our minds are too busy and our bodies too stiff and we consider it as being normal. Out of all the different negative impacts digital devices have on us, I think its effect on our time is the most crucial one.

5. In this collage I also wanted to represent how people's relationships are affected because of the use of digital devices. I have shows this through a broken photograph of a couple and in between a computer. I have seen before not only in real life but in movies how a many of a couple's problems come from devices. For example, a phone call of another man or woman during a romantic dinner. This is does not only affect the trust these two people have on each other but it is also disrespectful. Families are also affected by these devices. Most families time together is watching T.V. which is not actually interacting with one another just sharing the same room. Also children spend too much time on the computer or playing video games that they become more and more distant from their families and friends. Also, I do not think that at this point we are not able to hold a relationship with other people without electronic devices. And this is because we are expected to keep on communication through these. We are too dependent of these devices and in my point of view these are generally valued even more than any real relationship with someone else.

6. This represents our minds. Among all this overwhelming mess of digital devices our consciousness remains. Although we usually consider these devices as the source, in my work the mind is actually portrayed as the source of all these devices which are surrounding it. Inside of it the word "Digital devices..." is written as if it were the only thing inside our minds. This illustration also has a helmet looking device suggesting that even though the mind is the main source of all these devices it is "plugged in" to this cyber world making it unable to escape from this mess. In other words the devices and our minds are a never ending vicious cycle and without one another it cannot sustain itself.

7. This part of my collage shows the audience. I have illustrated a big television across, but it would be nothing without an audience. Even though this is also the television inside our minds, the one no one else sees but us, it also shows how we are inside someone Else's mental T.V.. This would not only make us characters in the life drama of someone else but also the audience. Looking at the collage the people are too small compared to the television they are watching. And this is because I also wanted to show that this digital world is way bigger than any of us. Even if it lives inside us, it is too big for us to control it. Beneath this audience there is an image of two babies. Which represents the following part of this collage.

8. The picture of the babies is surrounded by watches. Suggesting the present and the future that these babies are expected to have. Live surrounded by many different digital devices and depend on them. These babies are also inside a television and are shown in black and white. Usually we interpret the black and white as being old, however, a baby represents new life but that new life has no place in this electronic world, which makes me think that in order to become part of one must be modernized by all these devices and apply them to his daily life.

9. This show the images through cameras. Most of the time while looking at cameras in a magazine to find the right one, we see the quality of the picture the camera takes through the screen. Ironically enough only pictures of people smiling and pictures of natural scenarios are displayed. I think this unconsciously causes us to believe that the camera only captures those perfect moments and places. Therefore, most of us (non-photographers) only take pictures when we are having fun or when we are somewhere considered as peaceful and without much contamination. This also shows the good life through a screen and if we purchase that camera we will also be able to capture it, not to live it.

10. Best Buy! This store is very available throughout New York city. The praises are great and the service is generally good. This store is famous for selling what entretains us the most. Or rather say it sells what makes our lives function. Because of this store we are able to obtain many digital devices at great prices therefore it should most definetly be part of this illustration. It has done a great contribution to the digital mess in our lives so it is understandable if we feel indebt with it. It is after all the BEST buy we could ever make.

1. Is your art a hammer or a mirror?

Overall I would consider my work as a mirror. This is because I have focused on reflecting my perspective on digital devices rather than showing the negative impact of these on us. As you can see there are no consequences mentioned on my description of my work and none of the images suggest any tupe of impact on this people, simply their actions and setting.

2. Does your art make you fink and theel? What are some of your own reactions to your art?

*I do not know what theel means* I would say my art makes me fink against digital devices because I often describe my work as a mess. And by definition, the word "mess" is consider to be a negative aspect around us. By doing so I am informing what my perspective is to the viewer. And even though no description is provided to him/her they will definetly see that the whole image itself is overwhelming.

3. What was the most interesting aspect of your making of the art?

I would say that the way I constructed my work and the way I chose 10 main different aspects to represent it are the most interesting aspects of it. Each peace was intended to be meaningful and connected to one another. It took me a fair amount of time to design it and to set the colors in a way for it to be clear that it was a television. Also the details throughout the whole image are the ones that truly communicate the message. In other words the big T.V. would simply be the setting of these.